.. meta:: :author: Shiv Shankar Dayal :title: Preface :description: Algebra :keywords: Algebra, ratio, proportions, variations, complex numbers, arithmetic progressions, geometric progressions, harmonic progressions, series, sequence, quadratic equations, permutations, combinations, lograithms, binomial theorem, determinant, matricesNumber System Ratio ***** In his book *Elements of Algebra*, Euler says that anything we can increase or decrease is *magnitude* or *quantity*. We will study ratios of quantities in this chapter. Many of you might already be knowing about ratios from earlier classes. A ratio is nothing but a comparison between two quantities of same kind. For example, 4 balls vs 7 balls or 12 shoes vs 8 shoes. A ratio between two quantities :math:`Q1` and :math:`Q2` is written as :math:`Q1:Q2` most of the time. :math:`Q1` or the first term is called the **antecedent** and the :math:`Q2` or the second term is called the **consequent**. To measure the ratio between two quantities typically we use fractions. A reduced fraction is tells us about one quantity being multiples of another or part of that. For example, 2 dozen bananas compared to 6 bananas can be written as :math:`\frac{2*12}{6}` or 4. Ratios are *abstract quantities* because they are sheer numbers. In practice, considering our previous example we can say 2 dozen bananas are four times 6 bananas. This four is an abstract quantity because it does not have a physical form. Clearly, you can see that .. math:: \frac{Q1}{Q1} = \frac{mQ1}{mQ2} so the ratio does not change if numerator or antecedent and denominator or consequent are multiplied by the same quantity. Comparing Two Ratios ==================== To compare two ratios we need to make their denominator same the we can deduce if they are equal or unequal. For example consider two ratios :math:`r1:r2` and :math:`r3:r4`. Then we can have .. math:: \frac{r1}{r2} = \frac{r1r4}{r2r4} ~~\&~~ \frac{r3}{r4} = \frac{r3r2}{r2r4} Now since consequent is same for both the ratios we can determine which ratio is bigger or equal or smaller by determining if :math:`r1r4` is bigger or equal or smaller as compared to :math:`r2r3`. Ratio of Ratios =============== Clearly, a ratio can be represented by a fraction of two integers. Now let us try to see what happens to ratio of two ratios: Consider two ratios: :math:`a:b` and math:`c:d`. Thus we can write ratio of these two ratios as fraction .. math:: \frac{\frac{a}{b}}{\frac{c}{d}} ~~or~~ \frac{ad}{bc} Therefore we can conclude that it is equivalent to :math:`ad:bc`. Surds and Ratios ================ When I said a ratio can be applied as a fraction of two integers then that applied to finite numbers. A *surd* like :math:`\sqrt{x}` is not a finite number because certain portion of its fractional part if recurring. Therefore, when a surd if involved a ratio cannot be represented as a fraction of two integers. When we can represent a ratio *exactly* by two integers the quantities are called **commensurable** else they are called **incommensurable**. Compounding Ratios ================== Ratios are compounded by multiplying ratios. The multiplication is done in simple fashion. Antecedents with antecedents and consequents with consequents. For example, consider some ratios: :math:`a:b`, :math:`c:d` and :math:`e:f`. The compounded ratio is :math:`abc:def`. Duplicating Ratios ================== When a ratio is compounded with itself once it is called **duplicate ratio**. If it is compounded twice then it is called **triplicate ratio**. If a square root is taken then it is called **subduplicate ratio**. Antecedent vs Consequent ======================== A ratio is of *greater inequality*, or *less inequality* or of *equality* depending on whether antecedent is greater or smaller or equal to the consequent. Common Properties of Ratios =========================== A ratio of greater inequality is diminished and a ratio of less inequality is increased if we add same quantity to both its terms. Let :math:`\frac{a}{b}` be a ratio and we add :math:`x` to both its terms so we have :math:`\frac{a+x}{b+x}` as our new ratio. Now, .. math:: \frac{a}{b}~-~\frac{a+x}{b+x}~=~\frac{ax-bx}{b(b+x)} \\ =\frac{x(a-b)}{b(b+x)}. and :math:`a-b` is positive or negative depending upon the fact whether :math:`a` is greater or smaller than :math:`b`. Hence, .. math:: \text{if}~a> b,~~ \frac{a}{b}>\frac{a+x}{b+x} \text{and if}~ a< b,~~ \frac{a}{b}<\frac{a+x}{b+x} Similarly, it can be proved that a ratio of greater inequality is increased and a ratio of less inequality is decreased if we subtract same quantity to both its terms. When two or more ratios are equal we can denote that by a single symbol which helps us in many ways. Consider, .. math:: \text{If}~\frac{a}{b}=\frac{c}{d}=\frac{e}{f}= ... , \text{each of these ratios}~=\left(\frac{pa^n+qc^n+re^n+ ...}{{pb^n+qd^n+rf^n}+ ...}\right)^\frac{1}{n} \text{Let}~\frac{a}{b}=\frac{c}{d}=\frac{e}{f}=...=k; \text{the}~a=bk, c=dk, e=fk, ...; \text{Hence},~pa^n=pb^nk^n,~qc^n=qd^nk^n,~re^n=rf^nk^n,...; \implies \left(\frac{pa^n+qb^n+re^n+ ...}{{pb^n+qd^n+rf^n}+ ...}\right) = \left(\frac{pb^nk^n+qd^nk^n+rf^nk^n+ ...}{{pb^n+qd^n+rf^n}+ ...}\right) = k^n \implies \left(\frac{pa^n+qb^n+re^n+ ...}{{pb^n+qd^n+rf^n}+ ...}\right)^\frac{1}{n} = k\\ Similarly, we can say that when a a number of fractions are equal, each of them is equal to the sum of all the numerators divided by the sum of denominators, .. math:: \text{If}~\frac{a}{b}=\frac{c}{d}=\frac{e}{f}= ... , \implies \frac{a+c+e}{b+d+f} = \frac{bk+dk+fk}{b+d+f} = k. if :math:`\frac{a_1}{b_1}, \frac{a_2}{b_2}, ..., \frac{a_n}{b_n}` be unequal fractions, of which denominators are all having the same sign, then the fraction .. math:: \frac{a_1 + a_2 + ... + a_n}{b_1 + b_2+ .. +b_n} lies in magnitude between the greatest and least of them. Let all the denominators are positive. Let :math:`\frac{a_r}{b_r}` be the least fraction, and denote it by :math:`k`; then .. math:: \frac{a_r}{b_r} = k; \therefore a_r = kb_r; \frac{a_1}{b_1} = k; \therefore a_1 = kb_1; \frac{a_2}{b_2} = k; \therefore a_2 = kb_2; \text{and so on;} \therefore \text{by addition,} a_1 + a_2 + ... + a_n > (b_1 + b_2 + ... + b_n)k; \therefore\frac{a_1 + a_2 + ... + a_n}{b_1 + b_2 + ... + b_n}> k; \text{that is,}>\frac{a_r}{b_r} Similarly, we may prove that .. math:: \frac{a_1 + a_2 + ... + a_n}{b_1 + b_2 + ... + b_n}> k; \text{that is,}<\frac{a_s}{b_s} where :math:`\frac{a_s}{b_s}` is greatest of the given functions. If we have two equations containing three unknown variables in the first degree such as .. math:: :label: Equation 1 a_1x + b_1y + c_1z = 0 .. math:: :label: Equation 2 a_2x + b_2y + c_2z = 0 Rewriting these we can have following; .. math:: a_1\left(\frac{x}{z}\right) + b_1\left(\frac{y}{z}\right) + c_1 =0, a_2\left(\frac{x}{z}\right) + b_2\left(\frac{y}{z}\right) + c_2 =0, Solving these we obtain, .. math:: \frac{x}{z}=\frac{b_1c_2-b_2c_1}{a_1b_2-a_2b_1},~~~\frac{y}{z}=\frac{c_1a_2-c_2a_1}{a_1b_2-a_2b_1} or, .. math:: :label: Equation 3 \frac{x}{b_1c_2-b_2c_1} = \frac{y}{c_1a_2-c_2a_1}=\frac{z}{a_1b_2-a_2b_1} So we can see that for :math:`x` coefficients of :math:`y` and :math:`z` are used and for :math:`y`, that of :math:`x` and :math:`z` are used and so on in a cyclic manner as given in image below: .. tikz:: Cross multiplication of co-efficients \draw (0,0) node {$b2$}; \draw (1.5,0) node {$c2$}; \draw (3,0) node {$a2$}; \draw (4.5,0) node {$b2$}; \draw (0,1.5) node {$b1$}; \draw (1.5,1.5) node {$c1$}; \draw (3,1.5) node {$a1$}; \draw (4.5,1.5) node {$b1$}; \draw[->, >=stealth, thick] (0, 0.2) -- (1.5, 1.3); \draw[->, >=stealth, thick] (1.5, 0.2) -- (3, 1.3); \draw[->, >=stealth, thick] (3, 0.2) -- (4.5, 1.3); \draw[->, >=stealth, thick] (0.1, 1.3) -- (1.4, 0.2); \draw[->, >=stealth, thick] (1.6, 1.3) -- (2.9, 0.2); \draw[->, >=stealth, thick] (3.1, 1.3) -- (4.4, 0.2); Multiply the coefficients as indicated by the arrows. The ascending arrows are positive and descending ones are negative. This is called the **Rules of Cross Multiplication**. Now expanding on previous discussion consider following set of three equations: .. math:: :label: Equation 4 a_1x + b_1y + c_1z=0 .. math:: :label: Equation 5 a_2x + b_2y + c_2z=0 .. math:: :label: Equation 6 a_3x + b_3y + c_3z=0 So by our previous rule of cross-multiplication between eq. (4) and (5) we have .. math:: \frac{x}{z}=\frac{b_1c_2-b_2c_1}{a_1b_2-a_2b_1},~~~\frac{y}{z}=\frac{c_1a_2-c_2a_1}{a_1b_2-a_2b_1} Now if we take these ratios to be equal to :math:`k` then multiplying and substituting in equation :eq:`Equation 6` we have .. math:: a_3(b_1c_2-b_1c_2)+b_3(c_1a_2-c_2a_1)+c_3(a_1b_2-a_2b_1) = 0 This particular relation is known as the **eliminant** of the given equations. Problems ======== 1. Find the ratio of ratios :math:`4:7` and :math:`11:5`. 2. Find the ratio of ratios :math:`13:24` and :math:`34:23`. 3. Find out that among the following pair of ratios which one is greater in the pair: (a) :math:`4:5` and :math:`5:6`, (b) :math:`34:33` and :math:`68:67` and (c) :math:`123:63` and :math:`233:120`. 4. Find the duplicate, triplicate and subduplicate of following ratios: (a) :math:`2(x+3):y-5` (b) :math:`a^2+ab+b^2:a^3-b^3` 5. If :math:`x-2:3(x+7)` has a ratio of :math:`7:9` then find :math:`x`. 6. Find two numbers in the ratio of :math:`11:17` where one exceeds other by 126. 7. What number must be added to each of the terms of :math:`5:13` to make it equal to :math:`5:7`? 8. What number must be subtracted from each of the terms of :math:`33:37` to make it equal to :math:`7:9`? 9. If :math:`x-2:y-3=3:5`, find the ratio of :math:`9x-2y:4x+2y`. 10. If .. math:: \frac{a}{b}=\frac{c}{d}=\frac{e}{f}, prove that .. math:: \frac{7a^4b^2+8a^2c^2-5e^4f}{7b^6+8b^2f^2-5e^5} = \frac{a^4}{b^4}. 11. If .. math:: \frac{a}{b}=\frac{b}{c}=\frac{c}{d}, prove that :math:`\frac{a}{d}` is equal to .. math:: \sqrt{\frac{a^5+b^2c^2+a^3c^2}{b^4c+d^4+b^2cd^2}}.. 12. If .. math:: \frac{x}{q+r-p}=\frac{y}{r+p-q}=\frac{z}{p=q-r} prove that .. math:: (q-r)x + (r-p)y + (p-q)z = 0. 13. If .. math:: \frac{y+z}{pb+qc}=\frac{z+x}{pc+qa}=\frac{x+y}{pa+qb}, prove that .. math:: \frac{2(x+y+z)}{a+b+c} = \frac{(b+c)x+(c+a)y+(a+b)z}{ab+bc+ca}. 14. If .. math:: \frac{x}{x}=\frac{y}{b}=\frac{z}{c}, prove that .. math:: \frac{x^3+a^3}{x^2+a^2}+\frac{y^3+b^3}{y^2+b^2}+\frac{z^3+c^3}{z^2+c^2}=\frac{(x+y+z)^3+(a+b+c)3}{(x+y+z)^2+(a+b+c)^2}. 15. If .. math:: \frac{2y+2z-x}{a}=\frac{2z+2x-y}{b}=\frac{2x+2y-z}, prove that .. math:: \frac{x}{2b+2c-a}=\frac{y}{2c+2a-b}=\frac{z}{qa+2b-c}. 16. If :math:`(a^2+b^2+c^2)(x^2+y^2+z^2)=(ax+by+cz)^2` show that :math:`x:a=y:b=z:c`. 17. If .. math:: x=\frac{a-b}{a+b},~y=\frac{b-c}{b+c},~z=\frac{c-a}{c+a} prove that .. math:: (1+x)(1+y)(1+z) = (1-x)(1-y)(1-z). 18. If :math:`l(my+nz-lx)=m(nz+lx-my)=n(lx+my-nz),` prove that .. math:: \frac{y+z-x}{l}=\frac{z+x-y}{m}=\frac{x+y-z}{n} 19. Show that the eliminant of :math:`ax+by+cz=0, cx+by+az=0, bx+ay+cz=0`, is :math:`a^3+b^3+c^3-3abc`. 20. Eliminate :math:`x, y, z` from the equations :math:`ax+hy+gz=0, hx+by+fz=0, gx+fy+cz=0`. 21. If :math:`x=cy+bz, y=az+cx, z=bx+ay`, prove that .. math:: \frac{x^2}{1-a^2}=\frac{y^2}{1-b^2}=\frac{z^2}{1-c^2} 22. If :math:`a(y+z)=x, b(z+x)=y, c(x+y)=z` prove that :math:`bc+ca+ab+2abc=1`. 23. Solve the following equations: (a) :math:`3x-4y+7z=0, 2x-y-2z=0, 3x^3-y^3+z^3=18`. (b) :math:`x+y-z=0, 3x-2y+17z=0, x^3+3y^3+2z^3=167`. (c) :math:`4xy-7yz-3zx=0, 4xy-21yz+3zx=0, x+2y+3z=19`. (d) :math:`3x^2-2y^2+5z^2=0, 7x^2-3y^2-15z^2=0, 5x-4y+7z=0`. 24. If .. math:: \frac{l}{\sqrt{a}-\sqrt{b}}+\frac{m}{\sqrt{b}-\sqrt{c}}+\frac{n}{\sqrt{c}-\sqrt{a}}=0, \frac{l}{\sqrt{a}+\sqrt{b}}+\frac{m}{\sqrt{b}+\sqrt{c}}+\frac{n}{\sqrt{c}+\sqrt{a}}=0, show that .. math:: \frac{l}{(a-b)(c-\sqrt{ab})}=\frac{m}{(b-c)(a-\sqrt{bc})}=\frac{n}{(c-a)(b-\sqrt{ac})} 25. Solve the following equations: (a) :math:`ax+by+cz=0, bcx+cay+abz=0,xyz+abc(a^3x+b^3y+c^3z)=0`. (b) :math:`ax+by+cz=a^2x+b^2y+c^2z=0,x+y+z+(a-b)(b-c)(c-a)=0`. 26. If :math:`a(y+z)=x, b(z+x)=y, c(x+y)=z` prove that .. math:: \frac{x^2}{a(1-bc)}=\frac{y^2}{b(1-ca)}=\frac{z^2}{c(1-ab)}. 27. If :math:`ax+hy+gz=0, hx+by+fz=0, gx+fy+cz=0`, prove that .. math:: \frac{x^2}{bc-f^2}=\frac{y^2}{ca-g^2}=\frac{z^2}{ab-h^2}~~\text{and} .. math:: (bc-f^2)(ca-g^2)(ab-h^2)=(gh-af)(fg-ch)(hf-bg)