.. meta:: :author: Shiv Shankar Dayal :title: Preface :description: Algebra :keywords: Algebra, ratio, proportions, variations, complex numbers, arithmetic progressions, geometric progressions, harmonic progressions, series, sequence, quadratic equations, permutations, combinations, lograithms, binomial theorem, determinant, matricesNumber System Variations ********** Two quantities are said to be vary as with each other if the ratio between them is constant. For example, if :math:`a=kb`, where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are variables and :math:`k` is a constant which is also known as proportionality constant. Most of the time it is said that :math:`a` is directly proportional to :math:`b` or :math:`a` varies directly as :math:`b`. The symbol :math:`\varpropto` is used to denote variation; so that :math:`a\varpropto b` is read as ":math:`a` varies as :math:`b`". For example, if a person drink 5 liters of water in one day then in 10 days he will drink 50 liters and in 20 days he will drink 100 liters. One quantity :math:`a` is said to vary inversely as another :math:`b` or :math:`a` is inversely proportional to :math:`b` if product of these two is constant. Therefore, :math:`ab=k` or :math:`a=\frac{k}{b}`. For example, if :math:`a` persons do a work in :math:`b` days then 1 person will do it in :math:`\frac{b}{a}` days. So our proportionality constant is :math:`\frac{b}{a}`. One quantity is said to vary jointly as a number of others, when it varies directly as their product. This :math:`a` varies jointly as :math:`b` and :math:`c`, when :math:`a=kbc`. For example, second law of Newton says force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration or :math:`F=ma`. Problems ======== 1. If :math:`x` varies as :math:`y`, and :math:`x=8` when :math:`y=15`, find :math:`x` when :math:`y=10`. 2. If :math:`x` varies inversely as :math:`y`, and :math:`x=7` when :math:`y=3`, find :math:`x` when :math:`y=7`. 3. If the square of :math:`x` varies as the cube of :math:`y`, and :math:`x=3` when :math:`y=4` find the value of :math:`y` when :math:`x=\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}`. 4. :math:`x` varies as :math:`y` and :math:`z` jointly; if :math:`x=2` when :math:`y=\frac{3}{5}` and :math:`z=\frac{10}{27}` find :math:`z` when :math:`x=54` and :math:`y=3`. 5. If :math:`a` varies as :math:`c`, and :math:`b` varies as :math:`c`, then :math:`a\pm b` and :math:`\sqrt{ab}` will each vary as :math:`c`. 6. If :math:`a` varies as :math:`bc`, then :math:`b` varies inversely as :math:`\frac{c}{a}`. 7. :math:`a` varies directly as :math:`b` and inversely as :math:`c`; also :math:`a=\frac{2}{3}` when :math:`b=\frac{3}{7}` and :math:`c=\frac{9}{14}`; find :math:`b` when :math:`a=\sqrt{48}` and :math:`c=\sqrt{75}`. 8. If :math:`x` varies as :math:`y`, prove that :math:`x^2+y^2` varies as :math:`x^2-y^2`. 9. If :math:`y` varies as the sum of two quantities, one of which varies directly as :math:`x` and the other inversely as :math:`x`; and if :math:`y=6` when :math:`x=4`, and :math:`y=\frac{10}{3}` when :math:`x=3`; find the equation between :math:`x` and :math:`y`. 10. If :math:`y` is equal to the sum of two quantities, one of which varies as :math:`x` directly, and the other as :math:`x^2` inversely; and if :math:`y=19` when :math:`x=2`, or :math:`3`; find :math:`y` in terms of :math:`x`. 11. If :math:`a` varies directly as the square root of :math:`b` and inversely as the cube of :math:`c`, and if :math:`a=3` when :math:`b=256` and :math:`c=2`, find :math:`b` when :math:`a=24` and :math:`c=\frac{1}{2}`. 12. Given that :math:`x+y` varies as :math:`z+\frac{1}{z}`, and that :math:`x-y` varies as :math:`z-\frac{1}{z}`, find the relation between :math:`x` and :math:`z`, provided that :math:`z=2` when :math:`x=3` and :math:`y=1`. 13. If :math:`a` varies as :math:`b` and :math:`c` jointly, while :math:`b` varies as :math:`d^2`, and :math:`c` varies inversely as :math:`a`, show that :math:`a` varies as :math:`d`. 14. If :math:`y` varies as the sum of three quantities of which the first is constant, the second varies as :math:`x`, and the third as :math:`x^2`; and if :math:`y=0` when :math:`x=1, y=1` when :math:`x=2`, and :math:`y=4` when :math:`x=3`; find :math:`y` when :math:`x=7`. 15. When a body falls from rest its distance from the resting point varies as the square of the time it has been falling: if a body falls though :math:`402\frac{1}{2}` feet in 5 seconds, how far does it fall in 10 seconds? Also how far does it fall in the 10th second? 16. Given that the volume of a sphere varies as the cube of its radius and that when the radius is :math:`3\frac{1}{2}` feet the volume is :math:`179\frac{2}{3}` cubic feet, find the volume when the radius is 1 foot 9 inches.