33. Periodicity of Trigonometrical Functions#
Definition of Periodic Functions: A function is said to be a periodic function if there exists positive number independent of such that for every domain .
The least positive value of for which , for every domain is called the period of fundadmental period of .
Example 1: Examine whether is a periodic function or not. If yes, then find the period.
Sol. Given, . Let
, where
The positive values of independent of are given by , where
The least positive value of .
Thus, is a periodic function with period .
Some Results
and are periodic functions with period .
and are periodic function with period .
and are periodic functions with period .
and are periodic functions with period and according as is odd or even.
and are periodic functions with period irrespective of being odd or even.
If a circular funciton is periodic function with period , then is also a periodic function with period .
If circular functions and are periodic functions with period and then is a periodic function with period , where L.C.M. of and .
33.1. Problems#
Which of the following functions are periodic? Also, find the period if the function is periodic.
ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. where is integral part of viii.
Which of the following functions are periodic? Also, find the period if the function is periodic and has fundamental period.
ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii.
Show that the function is a periodic function of period .
For each of the following functions, mention whether the function is periodic and if yes, mention the period:
, where denotes the integral part, and b.
Find the period of the function .
33.2. Solutions#
The solutions are given below:
. Let
, where
The positive value of independent of are given by , where
Least positive value of .
Hence, is a periodic function with a period of .
, where
which is a periodic function with a period of .
is a periodic function with period and is a periodic function with period so the period of the required function will be L.C.M. of these two periods which will be .
. Let
In the above expression cannot be elimminated until so the given function is non-periodic.
. Let
which will give no positive value of independent of because can be cancelled out only if . Hence, is a non-periodic function.
. Let
From this positive values of independent of are given by
Least positive value of independent of is . Hence, is a periodic function of period .
, where denotes the integral part of . Let an integer
Hence least positive value of independent of is . Hence, is a periodic function having a period of .
. Let
From this no value of independent of can be found because on R.H.S. one factor is which is an algebraid function and on L.H.S. there is no algebraic function and hance cannot be eliminated.
Hence is a non-periodic function.
The solutions are given below:
. From the sixth result of section Some Results we know that this is a periodic function with period because is a periodic function with period .
. We know that both and are periodic functions with period . Therefore and will have a period of . Now the function will have period equal to L.C.M. of periods of these two funcitons which is equal to .
. We know that has a period of therefore will have period equal to .
. We know that is a periodic function with a period of therefore will be a periodic function with period of .
. Let which will yield no value of independent of unless . Thus, the given function is non-periodic.
. Let which will give no value of independent of unless . Thus, the given function is non-periodic.
. We know that is a periodic function with a period . Hence, will also be a periodic function with a period of .
, where is integral value of . Let which is not true for any value of as for any value of it is possiblel that . Thus, is non-periodic.
. Let which is true but gives us no value for . Thus, the given function is periodic but has no fundamental period.
if and if . We know that has a period of therefore will have period equal to half the period of that of i.e. .
. We know that is a function having period therefore will be a periodic function with a period i.e. .
. Let which will give no value of independent of as R.H.S. is a trigonometric function in but L.H.S. is not. So the function is non-periodic.
. Following the fifth problem of previous problem we can deduce that given function is non-periodic.
. Let which gives as the period.
which will yield four different equations depending on whether and are positive or negative. Also, the period of and is for both of the functions. Thus, the given function will have a period of .
. We know that has a period of therefore will have a period of and will have a period of . The given function will have period equal to L.C.M. of and i.e. 24.
. We know that the period of has a period of so the three terms will have period of and respectively. Thus, given function will have period equal to L.C.M. of these three periods i.e. .
. Now we have proven that is a non-periodic function therefore will also be non-periodic.
. We know that both and have a period of therefore period of first term would be and of the second term will be . will have period equal to L.C.M. of these two terms i.e. .
a. Given, . Let
Therefore, positive value of independentt of can be found and least such value is .
Given, . Let
which gives us a periodic function with .
which is a periodic function with period .